4 Doing longer calculations using you calculator
The amount of timber (in cubic meters) within a log measuring metres , with a distance around its middle of
metres is determined by the formula
For a log that measures 1.5 meters and a length about 92 cm, this would be
In this section , we examine the various ways that can be used to evaluate this , as well as other more complicated expressions using various functions on your calculator. While the first one which is covered within Activity 9 - is the easiest approach for this simple formula It is also useful to consider how you could apply other calculator functions whenever you're confronted with more complicated equations to assess.
The expression for the wood's volume needs you to enter the number . You could input an approximate value
the same by hand however, this takes a lot of time and could be susceptible to errors. The calculator provides an approximate value
the value built in and is obtained by using this key sequence
The keypad is located in the lower row of the keypad.
Activity 9: Using the fraction key
The most obvious way of finding the value is entering it as a fraction on your calculator.
What key sequence is required, and what is the correct answer to 3 significant figures?
Another method of carrying out the calculation in Activity 9.9 is to utilize an key.
Activity 10 Using the
You will not obtain the correct answers to the equation
If you compose
Enter the number into your calculator and press . Do you know why? Add a bracket in the expression using the / symbol so that it yields you the right answer. Enter the brand new formula in the calculator and ensure that you get the same result as you did above.Reveal the answer
4.1 Reusing a result from a previous
An alternative method to our calculation is to calculate the denominator of the fraction in the first place then, then divide the numerator by that.
It is possible to write the answer to the second part in the equation on paper and enter it into the calculator once more. However, it's likely that you make an error in recording the number or when typing in the calculator. It is better to utilize the fact the calculator keeps the last calculated answer which is then used in the next calculation by using the keypad on the bottom of the keyboard.
Be aware your key can only store the outcome of your previous calculation.
Activity 11: Bottom of the first!
Utilize your calculator to calculate the value of the denominator of the equation, and then complete the calculation by finding out the value in relation
three to 3 significant figures.Reveal your answer
4.2 Utilising the calculator memory
A variation of this technique is to break down this calculation down into two separate parts, and then use the memory function of the calculator and store the results of the first one. The calculator memory functions are particularly helpful in situations where you have to calculate the values of a number of expressions that share a common portion. This common component should be entered only once , with its value will be repeated several times afterward. For instance, rewriting the formula for the quantity of wood in the log.
it is clear that no matter what the value for and
are, the formula always requires the value of
. If we were to calculate the amount of wood that is contained in a number of different logs it would be feasible to calculate its value
one time, then store it in memory and then use this amount in subsequent calculations.
The calculator has a number of different memory types. Let's first look at the memory known as 'M' that is accessible using the key (and the functions associated with it) at the bottom right-hand part of the key area.
Before using to use the calculator memory, it's ideal to wipe the previous data saved within the calculator by using this key sequence (CLR) (Memory) (Yes) .
Make sure to clear all the calculator memories.
To save the results of the equation you just calculated (i.e. an answer that is displayed on the display area on the calculator display) in the "M" calculator memory, use this key sequence
(M). In this case, we're using the second function of the
(or recall) button, which is called "STO" (or stores). After selecting the store function it is necessary to inform the calculator what memory the data will be saved to. These memories are labelled in red on some or all calculator keys, and the 'M' memory is obtained by pressing the
key. It is possible to read the key sequence as'save the current results into the"M memory'.
When (or
(STO)) has been press, the display indicator the RCL (or STO) is shown on the screen to indicate that the calculator is waiting for which memory to read (store) to store the result from (in).
To display the contents of the memory 'M to display the current contents, press
(M). The value that is stored in memory can also be used as part of a later calculus by inserting 'letter M' into the appropriate place in the expression by using
(M). For example, to find how much of the value is currently stored in the 'M memory it is possible to use an algorithm called the key sequence (M) .
When there's a value stored in the memory called 'M, the display indicator M is displayed on the upper of the page.
Activity 12: Using memory
Write the value within the memory of 'M' in the calculator and then use this stored value to compare
up to three significant figures.Reveal the results
4.3 Other 'M' memory operations
The value that is stored in the "M" memory may also be changed by adding or subtracting the results of a different calculation:
To add the value of the latest calculation to the current value in memory by pressing
To subtract the value of the most recent calculation from that currently in the memory, use the sequence of keys
(MM -).
Expressions can also be saved as part of, coupled to or subtracted from memory in the same way as it is evaluated through replacing at the conclusion of the calculation by one of the memory access sequences. To calculate, for instance, and then store the results directly in the memory, employ an access sequence (STO) (M).
To delete the memory that contains 'M you need to store zero by in the key sequence (STO) (M).
4.4 Other memories
The calculator also contains six additional memoriesthat are labeled as "A", "B,", 'C', 'D", "X" and "Y' accessible via some of the keys found in the lower part of the section of function keys on the calculator. The memory's name is printed in red, above the key that is used to access it.
These memories can be used in the exact same manner as the memory 'M', however, there aren't any alternatives to the 'add to memory' ( ) and'subtract from memory' (
(M+)) functions and there aren't any display indicators.
5 Scientific note on your calculator
Displaying numbers in scientific notation on your calculator
If the result of the calculation is a number greater than or equal to (i.e. ) (i.e. ), the calculator will show the result using scientific notation. For example Calculating
yields the answer
that is displayed on the calculator display as in this article.
Small numbers are also automatically shown by using scientific notation. But, how small the number is required to be for this to happen depends on the mode the calculator is working in.
"Norm 1 Mode' uses scientific notation for any number smaller than
but greater in
'Norm 2' mode uses in-depth scientific terminology for any number less than
but greater in
'Norm' is short for 'normal'.
In Activity 1 you will have already changed your calculator to use Norm 2 mode, and it is recommended that for the time being, you utilize this. To switch to Norm 2, use the key sequence (SETUP) (Norm) which is followed by (for the Norm 1 mode) or (for) or (for the Norm 2 mode)).
You can also set the calculator to always display results using scientific notation using the specified number of important figures using the key sequence (SETUP) (Sci) to be followed by the number of significant figures needed to display, for example . If your calculator is made to work this way the indicator SCI for display is visible on above the main screen. To cancel such a setting, you can use one of the key sequences given above to return to a Normal mode.
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